Raise your vibration - a New Year calling?
So here we are, standing on the proverbial ‘edge’ of a new year
A time for reflection? Sure it may well be for some… and also a time when the idea of the new year resolution raises it head… could it instead be a new year (health) revolution? Especially when it comes to your overall health and wellbeing.
“If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts”
Rhonda Byrne ‘The Secret’
I have been exploring this concept myself so much in recent months and now as 2022 fades and we usher in the new year, we live in totally unchartered waters in 2023.
A dangerous time I feel where scientific debate has been stifled and in some cases snuffed out. Censorship has soared to some dangerous new heights and people face being literally ‘cancelled’ out and ‘removed’, if their opinions are different to a very specific narrative. I find this horrific for so many reasons and so I have really had to dig deep and go within - in order to make sense of this - then to re-set my course and to repeatedly shift, turn and literally fight to get back on track.
So how and where exactly do I find you? How are you feeling and what coping mechanisms are you using? Which are really working for you? What would help you right now?
This blog is about the HOW then - how can you change your direction? Change your thoughts? Really choose one over the other, not get wrapped up in them, observe instead and then react in a different way maybe?
How do we ‘censor’ our thoughts and create a more positive world in our heads? Hopefully keeping afloat and in turn, transmitting this out to those around you - if you focus on emitting your own 'positive vibe’ then you are simply not absorbing the negative ones around you.
As many things may have nothing to do with you, or may be very detrimental to your wellbeing. Why? Well, these may not actually fit with your beliefs or values so instead question and be curious and ask ‘does this serve me in any way?’
Instead I would like to invite you to join me in thinking about the ways in which you can raise your own vibration above the noise.
Changing the ‘channel’ and bringing in more light when you are facing a dark time, or when you find yourself stuck in unhelpful patterns of behaviour. Or at a time when your making changes or difficult transitions.
We can operate according to our long held beliefs - thinking about the things that make us human and the things that we value above everything else.
What are yours?
For me these would be a sense and the feeling of true connection, honouring my intuition and the enteral pursuit for truth and honesty. Then love itself - the opposite of fear - and trusting my instincts. A deep appreciation of beauty and always, always attempting to find a positive way, even if the odds are stacked against me.
If we also feel that ‘thoughts become things’, then with this in mind what are you telling yourself? What do you say about your body? Your abilities? Your life in general? Do you chastise yourself, tell yourself that you are simply not good enough? Or in this world of social media, do you find yourself getting a terrible case of ‘comparisonitus’ - judging yourself - based upon ‘likes’ or feeling your missing out? Do you feel other people have more ‘successful’ or happier more fulfilled lives? How are you measuring that so called ‘success’ anyway?
Let us instead STOP and switch this over - focus instead on what may support and help - change your frequency.
Everything is energy after all and so it is always possible to lift yourself to a more positive place so that your ‘vibration, or vibe, or mood is brighter and lighter.
There are so many ways that you probably already do this and I just wanted to look at a few more that I use, in the hope that you can in turn add them to your ‘tool kit’.
My last blog was about the power of essential oils to help shift states, change your mood or even take you to another time or place, just with an aroma.
I also love listening to music and as I write I am listening to a really uplifting soundtrack from the musical dance extravaganza ‘Beyond Bollywood - where dreams turn into reality’, which I watched on stage in London a few years ago. Music like an aroma can change our ‘vibration’ within seconds, lift us up out of a bad mood, or negative feeling. This musical was a celebration of music and dance styles from all across India - the costumes in such bright colours were just joyful - I left the theatre full of energy, smiling and my hearts was full.
Colour is vitally important to me and I am happy to share with you that I often think that people have a ‘colour’ when I get to know them. My youngest step son is a bright red for example, as he is passionate, driven and at times quite explosive. The eldest is a deep navy blue, more reserved in some ways however he does think and feel deeply, he is very emotional. Colour phycology fascinates me and the power of colour is a whole different blog for next month… one day very soon I promise part of a new course all about finding your flow….
‘Energy flows where attention goes’ and so where is your focus right now? What are you spending your time doing, thinking and feeling?
How about those 10 minutes spent scrolling through social media? How did that make you feel? What could you have done instead? Put on your favourite ever tune and danced around the kitchen? Called a friend? Written a card to someone you love?
Who are your tribe? Who are you spending time with, do they fill you up or drain you? When your out walking are you also on your phone, or worrying about what comes next - or are you indeed fully present - totally immersed in that present moment, all your senses fully engaged?
Have you tried journaling? How did that go? Or what about starting a gratitude diary? Write down three things that you are grateful for and focus on those instead when the going gets tough.
The ocean really is my medicine - the horizon - the infinite, the feeling of hope and that anything is indeed possible.
I have had a BIG realisation in 2021 that I am going to work much more on in 2022 and that is all around my sense of safety. It is for me, my body and my mind THE most important thing to feel safe and secure.
This has been challenged and will continue to be challenged as we move through 2022. The impact of not feeling ‘safe’ is immense. Our body is then in a state of fight or flight, a dysregulated nervous system is the result and the impact on health and wellness is colossal. Your body is then not able to fully heal or properly digest anything, or rest and repair. So learning to feel and telling yourself that you are safe and all is well is vital. How you spend your time and manage your thoughts will impact this directly.
So let me leave you with this thought then, if you are vibrating at a higher level or feeling happy and joyful then you will also feel more rested, recharged and safe. In turn you will feel lighter, brighter, happier and calm. What colour would you give that feeling? Or where do you feel that in your body?
So every time you choose one thought over another, or one activity over another, just quickly check in -how is this making me feel? Is this filling me up or draining me? Do I feel happier now or deflated?
Everything that we consume from the programmes we watch, the food we eat and the people we spend time with has a direct impact and in turn it’s own vibration - positive or negative.