Shift Happens - how to shift your state and improve your mood
I would like to invite you on a little ‘aromatic journey’ with me for a few minutes, and to consider that Aromatherapy could be a really helpful and supportive anchor or tool for you too.
This practice could support you at work, or at home and may enhance or even cement a process. Help with a change to routine or support a new habit that you wish to create.
Those of you who have studied or been on a course to learn more about Neuro-Linguistic Programming will know that we are all able to create new learning patterns. One of the ways we can do this and use this in practice is to create an anchor, or to use one of many anchoring techniques.
Take a moment and consider which ‘anchors’ you may already have in place for yourself when you are preparing to do anything that takes you out of your comfort zone.
What is it that you are able to harness, or bring to mind when you are preparing to speak to a colleague about something that is really tricky? Or maybe when you want to ask for a promotion or even a pay rise? Or host a really important meeting and nail the presentation that you have been working on? Or in your home or family life when you are having to challenge yourself and really step up in order to change something? Or have that really difficult conversation that you have been putting off?
Having something that anchors you, or makes you feel more grounded and helps you to prepare is so important. These anchors may well be conscious or unconscious and these rituals or techniques assist you in being fully present. Gathering together all of your courage, being totally ready, taking that long deep breath. It may be something you do to make sure that you are completely connected to a particular state and so this has now become part of a routine or ritual.
When you do this or draw upon this state or anchor you know that you are ready to begin. As you can really feel this in your body. The feeling is that you are ready to give this everything you have, to give it your very bet shot and do yourself justice.
We can also call this a ‘resourceful state’ and you will have your own words, however it is about being totally present and having the focus that you feel is required, in each and every moment and for as long as it takes.
Now picture yourself walking down the street and someone walks past you and they are wearing your most favourite perfume or aftershave. You may feel yourself instantly being transported to a different time, place or environment. You spin through time and can instantly bring to mind a person, or a place and most of all a feeling.
This happens as when we smell or inhale, the olfactory receptors behind the bridge of our nose bind to the receptors in a very specific pattern. This pattern then sends a signal to our brain, where it is instantly processed. The reason that this is so quick is that the smell actually bypasses the thalamus or our ‘consciousness detector’ and instead goes directly to the olfactory cortex. So a smell directly attaches to our memories, without us consciously registering or processing them.
So how can you harness this technique and then use it to support you?
Essential oils and our sense of smell combine together in order to provide a really powerful anchor or support.
One thing I love which is an important part of my daily routine is choosing which oil I will put in my diffuser. As this selected scent will in turn help me to get into the right mood and face the day ahead.
Depending on my workload, my mood or ‘state’ and what I need to achieve, I select an appropriate oil. If this is new for you then choosing a blend is a great way to start. One that can uplift you, or calm you, or you may need one that will help you feel energised, or help clear your mind. Also if you don’t have a diffuser you can get essential oils in a roller ball and put on your pulse points.
So as a guide to get you started here are some essential oils and what emotions they may help to shift or support.
Neroli – may help to dissipate feelings of anxiety, and also assist us to ‘be in the moment’
Rose – harmonising, uplifting, emotionally healing, may help us to feel more compassionate
Geranium - reduce mood swings, may be uplifting, and may help us to cope by reducing feelings associated with mental and emotional stress
Frankincense – harmonising, may calm and uplift, may help alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression
Palmarosa – may help with stress, anxiety, also with grief, trauma and exhaustion
Rhododendron – may help to alleviate feelings of fear and also support us with trauma. Also may be calming and grounding
Lime – may help to counteract stress and tension, this is also soothing and uplifting
Chamomile – calming, may aid sleep and relaxation and may help to alleviate feelings of anxiety
Ylang Ylang - may help with feelings of stress, help to dissipate anger, this is balancing and calming
Bergamot - may help with feelings of agitation, or when stressed or angry. Can also be uplifting and make you feel more positive.
Rosemary – may aid concentration and memory and also help you when your feeling tired or worn out.
Rhododendron is my most favourite scent - I find it magical - it helps me to feel calm and grounded. This scent also helps me to feel in a really creative state of mind, so I use this oil when I am writing or perfecting new content for a course or workshop
Essential oils can then support you in so many ways and these can be another tool in your tool kit - helping provide an anchor for so many aspects of our lives.